Sister Kaite is a Musical Mild Intelligent Humorist...She also plays great blues and sings great jazz....she cannot help it...she loves to play...Being a writer she enjoys keeping you updated on the daily interesting (and wild)encounters in her life....You will enjoy her style of writing as much as you enjoy her shows.
Click on the title above and it will take you to info that you read about what is now....
Just to let you know you are still in good hands with Aflac...even with this new Health Law.
I know I wanted to know about my policies..I have the Cancer Policy and of course the Accident Policy (as much as I fall down) and the Dental Policy....why not?...and I am still in great hands with Aflac.....You can rest easy.....
However I did learn how to change a thermostat yesterday...Bruce and I did it together.....Got a sunburn at the same time...I thought it was fun.....most people wouldn't...but I enjoyed getting my face right down into the engine of my Jeep, and grease under my little short fingernails...for awhile....and using the tools and succeeding....all part of daily learning....
I have absolutely no idea why I would have to be learning how to change a thermostat or use those particular tools....but I have faith.......there is a reason.......the plumbing on the boat is my job too...due to the fact that my hands will fit down into the space provided to work on plumbing things.......their names do not escape my mind.....I have actually no idea what they are called and it does not matter as long as they does it!!!
At any rate...I have learned many new pastimes living on the boat....and I love my friends here....they are truly good friends who live as a community and help each other as a community...yes we have transients that come down from the North in the winter(snowbirds)....but even some of them are fun and good people....I say some cause there are always a couple who do not want to associate with us locals....and that is fine too...we can get along just fine by ourselves....
We will be moving to land sometime in the near future as to get in line with our aging bodies and have some dirt to recluse to, in times of need, and still have the boat to play on......God willing....
Another hurricane season only a month away....but as I say....I am looking forward to an easy season on the water....and every day is a new day to greet with a smiling face....and an inquisitive mind...thank God for that as well.
I am happy and so proud to have been reared in a state like West Virginia, instead of a big city with 6 or 8 million people and all the hustle and bustle and noise and cement...and no flowers and trees and dirt and animals running they do in West (by God) Virginia. I love the smaller roads (curvy and hilly as they are, you really learn how to be a good driver or else...survival of the fittest there).
We have people who care about each other and go out of their way to help each other in time of need and even not in time of need...just to be nice to one another. Now that is a concept unheard of in most northern big cities...not to put them is just not my way of life....I feel very blessed to have so many friends still in my hometown which I have not gotten to visit for years and still they are my friends...because good friends are for life...they are always there for you as a friend as someone who can be trusted to help you if you need it and you can help them even if they do not need it. Good friends can laugh together (even at each other) , and eat together, shop together, talk about most anything together and care about one another and their families.
People in West Virginia have been known to help total strangers when they need help. it amazes most city folk. It is very much a blessing to have the very next car that passes by you on the road, to stop and help you if you are pulled over and need something fixed. Even when they do not know you...
I call it being "Real". Now most places do not have a "Real" population....Sometimes they have a few nice people or a percentage of nice people, but to have soooo may "Real" people is a blessing. I have been fortunate to find some tropical islands where it is almost like being in West Virginia because there are sooo many "Real" people there and I am blessed with many, many new friends in places like this.
Since I live on a sailboat, it is a way of life that (most of my female friends absolutely cannot do for the lack of space) comes close to the difference of being from a small country town. It is also a way of life that most people cannot adjust to. I however have traveled for 30 years and lived in hotel rooms..except for when I had my house in West Virginia, (or Chicago and a few other places up North), and there is no space in a hotel room for things that one would store in a house...there is no permanence in a hotel room...and there is no permanence in where one's boat has to be...I am quite adjusted to travel and a way of life of traveling.
I am waaaaaay toooo comfortable driving in a car...I have painted my toenails while I was driving and tried on wigs while driving through the Tennessee mountains. And I have read a book while driving through Georgia. I can drive all day set up and play music for hours then put it back into the SUV and drive for 5 or 7 more hours if necessary...I am getting older and do not particularly trust myself to work such long days now though.
West Virginia is a place for which one can get real homesick. Many people who do go away end up back there because it is just hard to beat. To find somewhere better, depends on what you call better. Tropical Islands are nice because it does not snow in the tropics. I have been down here in the tropics so long I am now acclimated to temperatures above 75 degrees and get cold below that temperature. My blood is very, very thin. I am comfortable in the heat, even the 80's and 90's. Even with my white Irish skin, I am lucky so far with the sun and what it has not done to me. I try to take care of my skin when I am outside, especially my lips and keep them covered with gloss and paint. "It's the little things " like Rodney Carrington says that one must do and watch.
Here is a place where it is easy to just live and forget to keep the things you love close by taking care of them. This is what we must all do, no matter where we live....."Keep the things we love close and take care of them....always."
I thought this was something worth watching and always endorse learning....every minute of every day...and night. Keep that mind working. Keep making those grooves deeper in the brain so the pathways are more easily run......just like ruts in the mud (an easy explanation of neuroplasticity) ....which I absolutely have to endorse.
From the fact that we put children in school now at the age of 5 (do I have that right?). we have pre-K and K and then 1st grade which cannot be until age7 so that leaves 5....I am pretty good at is the facts that keep changing. But I do hear they have to be enrolled in school, in the cities, while they are still in the womb....good gracious!!!!
That leaves even more of the work of rearing todays children done by the educational system/government...except for the private institutions which are special.
Now that is planning! And I am doing good to know what is going on....but to plan it....that takes planning???.............but then, I have so much going on at once....I think I must need Ridalin? ha ha.........well it has helped many of my friends in Academia....and what does that tell you?
However it works, I think it is great....this brain thing...must cannot be beat.
Sister Kaite loves to perform her music for you....
The Sister sings and plays the piano to bring you some of the happiness she enjoys with her God-given talent of music...
Sister Kaite loves to share her experiences with you.
To make you smile and have fun is her intention....
Come in and "Participate with Sister Kaite".
"I had sooooo much fun last Saturday night (April 17th) playing the gig at the NEW "Agora Mediterranean Cuisine" ....YOU KNOW WHERE IT IS....T. P. Hoolihans at the Agora. on Hancock Bridge Marina Town, over right by Rte 41.
It was a lovely rainy night and we had fun!!
Sister Kaite will be playing at the Agora on Fridays from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. so you must check out the show. Come in and have a superb dinner and hear the Sailing Songs, songs about the Florida Keys, and by request...Irish songs and Irish Drinking Songs, The Sister might even give you a little bit of her Mild Intelligent Humor Show...if you are real lucky...or a Truly Irish Toast.
Meanwhile, Agora is remodeling the former P.T. Houlihan's and Daly's Boat House spot next to Sundown Tiki and Coconuts Waterfront Bar and Grill. Houlihan's Irish decor remains for now in the bar, but the waterside dining room is being transformed with brightly colored murals representing various hot spots along the Mediterranean. Alfonso Ayala of Artistic Concreations & Faux (based in Indianapolis) has been busy painting scenes of Greece, Italy, Spain and other seaside countries. A vine-covered pergola also is going up in the middle of the dining room.
The decor reflects the menu. Greek appetizers such as spanikopita, saganaki and hummus are offered, along with kebabs and several lamb entrees for $20 to $30.
The Italian influence is seen in a half-dozen pasta dishes.And of course, there is plenty of seafood, including salmon, sea bass, grouper, snapper and shrimp.
"Agora" is Greek for "meeting place," said general manager Lisa Dilgard.
Owner Arne Larsen is Norwegian, but he lived in Greece for 12 years and married a Greek American. She brought him to Indianapolis, where her family has had several restaurants, including Athens on 86th. They moved down just a couple of months ago.
The restaurant will be open from 11:30 until probably 9 or 10 p.m. daily, but the bar will stay open later, Dilgard said.
Ah yes....just when you are not looking for it...there it is....We were just driving around Bokeelia....getting the hang of Pine Island....going up and down almost every road we found (and some of those roads!!).....Anyway....then we happened across a Marina at the 'End' of the road.
It is called "The Coast Connection"...and perfect it was for us at that particular point in time....It was pouring the rain to just drizzling...and there were boats coming in and out and there was this one man 'rowing' his boat out...You gotta give that man some credit now!!....The sign said The "Fiddler and I" music 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday and 6 to 8:30 on Monday (I think)...anyway I believe her name is Becky and his name is Pat and they are "The fiddler and I". He played a guitar and a mandolin and a fiddle (of course one at a time) and sang while she played the guitar and sang... and I loved their songs.
While I am not the only one because there were several other people there as well (making the small but marina-like room seem full as there were not many other chairs left in which to sit) and they were singing along and clapping their hands and drinking beverages and all just seemed to be having fun. Even though I am quite sure that not any one knew the t'other...and it was quite an enjoyable bunch of people having fun together....I like that....You could clog to their music and the Fiddler played some Irish songs (of course I assumed the Irish ones were all for me as they made me dance around) and others began to dance and even more people came in and simply stood....or danced....but all enjoyed.
While we were being festive, we took these pictures and spoke to them , exchanged cards so we could keep in touch and tipped them ......of course. The wall said..."Please Take Care Of Our Musicians. We'll Feed 'Em.....You Tip 'Em"
You can go see these people and have fun with them as well...and do not forget to tip them for their work well done.
Becky said they drove in from St James City, which is of course the other end of Pine Island, and that they were building a boat. A 42 Foot Catamaran of the same kind that they already had a 32 foot of......I guess they were in need of more room on a boat...I do not know their plans or their intended travel course but I will post their information at the end of this post so that you too can find out their whereabouts.....
They are just real people doing real building a boat and playing music....real tropical things...perfectly normal stuff in my world.....however my world can seem sooooooo abstract to some people...Life is what you make it....I remember working in the lab all day and going out and driving to a place like "Moriarty's Pub" and playing music for 4 hours (after loading my equipment in to set it up and putting it back in the truck when I was done)....then getting up and going to the lab to work again the next morning.....
I am very blessed to have lived in both worlds, the world of a musician and the world of not being a musician, especially when I was working as a scientist in a molecular epidemiology lab in infectious diseases....I would not mind doing some of that here but research is done up north where it snows and as you know if you are living down here in the tropics.....that is a four-letter word down here (snow) is something that is just not done anymore amongst us "Tropicans" .......see how much fun it is being a "wordsmith".
Oh Yeah....Just had to show you the man rowing his boat out to his other boat....Too cool....That man is workin' hard in this rain....
Well for now I am off....I have a piano to get calls me sometimes and says "I miss you...where are you that you do not have time to sit with me and exchange feelings....?"
....As it happens I have to now find where I put their card so that I can post their info....but I will get it on here as soon as I find it....Thank you for having patience with my forgetfullness....
Yet now I found the info.....
Coast Connection Family Boating Center...Live Bait, Ice & Drinks, Boat Ramp, Kayak Rentals, Sailing, Fun Games & Entertainment.
This is a sight that can be either good or bad, depending on what follows...luckily in April this is only just a thunderstorm. I do love rain, at least I always did in West Virginia. These days in Florida, rain can be very demanding, especially between June and the end of November..Been through many of those and enough is enough. However I really do believe this year will be a pass. We will have an easy Hurricane season..uhoh there was that "H" word...
We do not have a choice on going through it. Our only choices are where to spend it. Or should I say our choice is where the boat will spend it. hmmmmmm...Wouldn't it be nice to find a place to put the boat where we do not have to worry about such things...A kind of fairy tale island of safeness for boats in the tropics that has a cover of safety around it, protecting it from all that jazz.....well yes it would.....but we have not found it yet. I am now looking for such a place. So if you know of one. I would appreciate some info from you...
Rainy days are always appreciated by me....(even still).....I guess that comes from being reared in West Virginia where one is safe from all the jazzed up stuff that comes with them in flat lands, like Florida and Michigan and Ghana(and other places in Africa)...I now feel like it is a hurricane day when it rains really hard and I go outside. But I will never.... not like to listen to the rain. It is my favorite to a happy baby.
Too much fun on the boat again..but back just in time for the storm...I learned even more about fishing today...even though I was attempting to be a photographer....How did I do Mila? And now back into the car to drive...but only a couple hundred miles....a very short drive...for me anyway...The Storms seem to have passed through for now...but the good weather (warm) has finally arrived to keep us in a good mood...Spring was hard coming this year...even down here in the tropics.....But as long as we make it fun ( and why wouldn't 'ya?) we will keep smiling.
"Freaky Physics Proves parallel Universes Do Exist"
By John Brandon -
Look past the details of a wonky discovery by a group of California scientists -- that a quantum state is now observable with the human eye -- and consider its implications: Time travel may be feasible.
The strange discovery by quantum physicists at the University of California Santa Barbara means that an object you can see in front of you may exist simultaneously in a parallel universe -- a multi-state condition that has scientists theorizing that traveling through time may be much more than just the plaything of science fiction writers.
It all comes down to how we understand time.
Carroll suggests that we don't exactly feel time -- we perceive its passing. For example, time moves fast on a rollercoaster and very slowly during a dull college lecture. It races when you're late for work . . . but the last few minutes before quitting time seem like hours.
Back to the Future
"Time seems to be a one-way street that runs from the past to the present," says Fred Alan Wolf, a.k.a. Dr. Quantum, a physicist and author. "But take into consideration theories that look at the level of quantum fields ... particles that travel both forward and backward in time. If we leave out the forward-and-backwards-in-time part, we miss out on some of the physics."
Wolf says that time -- at least in quantum mechanics -- doesn't move straight like an arrow. It zig-zags, and he thinks it may be possible to build a machine that lets you bend time. .....
"Our concepts of cause and effect will fly out the window," says Ben Bova, the science fiction author. "People will -- for various reasons -- try to fix the past or escape into the future. But we may never notice these effects, if the universe actually diverges. Maybe somebody already has invented a time machine and our history is being constantly altered, but we don’t notice the kinks in our path through time."
Use your imagination I have several nicknames: ..Grace..... The Red Queen... Pretzel Logic.... ..The Sister...... ..The Big D..... The Admiral... Monkella... Hey Delaney...As you have probably concluded by now I have been on the road most of my life...~35 years...I get to come home to West Virginia sometimes and I love it there...but my current home is a sailboat as you can read for yourself. It is all in the posts and you can ask questions if you want to.