Friday, May 28, 2010

Yes Alice.........Aaaaaaahh Lewis Carroll

Mad Hatter
Mad Hatter? You're pretty insane and only your friends have a hope of understanding what you say.
Sometimes you do things that are wrong but it sounded like a good idea in your head...
What can I say?? This is what my character came out as on FaceBooks' "What Alice In Wonderland Character Are You?" application.....
Of course!
I am the one who memorized, (and lived by) the passage by the Red Duchess (which I thought most of my life was the Red Queen...but whatever....Off With their Heads!!) which goes like this:
"Be What you Would Seem To Be......Or......
Never Imagine Yourself Not To Be Otherwise, Than What It Might Appear To Others, That What You Were, Or Might Have Been, Was Not Otherwise, Than What You Had Been, Would It have Appeared To Them To Be Otherwise"
Well it makes all the sense in the world to me.....
Lewis Carroll was such a brilliant Logician and Mathematician and taught at Oxford....
His given name being Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
A quote from one of Lewis Carroll's academic publications was used in the Original (first) LOGO for the online free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" seen below.......

The original official logo

Wikipedia's first true logo was an image that was originally submitted by Bjørn Smestad[1] for a Nupedia logo competition which took place in 2000.[2] Jimbo thought it would be a much better logo than the flag, and it remained for the next eight months, until the end of 2001. It continued to be used after this time on Special Pages, such as search results.
The logo included a quote from Euclid and his Modern Rivals by Lewis Carroll; due to the fisheye effect, only part of the text can be read.
"In one respect this book is an experiment, and may chance to prove a failure: I mean that I have not thought it necessary to maintain throughout the gravity of style which scientific writers usually affect, and which has somehow come to be regarded as an ‘inseparable accident’ of scientific teaching. I never could quite see the reasonableness of this immemorial law: subjects there are, no doubt, which are in their essence too serious to admit of anylightness of treatment – but I cannot recognise Geometry as one of them. Nevertheless it will, I trust, be found that I have permitted myself a glimpse of the comic side of things only at fitting seasons, when the tired reader might well crave a moment’s breathing-space, and not on any occasion where it could endanger the continuity of the line of argument."
I should have stayed in Academia....I know.....
Have A Great Day!!!

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