In Case some of you do not know....This is my sister Janet....and she is the most amazing person you will ever meet. All you have to do to find out is read her book...and in case you do not believe everything you hear.....just read this back cover... and she is quite right. She truly saved me when I had to go through radiation treatments to save my life. This is something I absolutely did not want to do, and was so set against it. When I found out I had to do this, I could not have taken the treatments if I had not done what she asked me to do......... and that was "find a Reiki Master here where I was in Florida and go to her." Which I did and it saved me
psychologically as well as physically...and her name was Susan-Laskey Jesella(sp?) There are websites to help you find a Reiki Master where you are.
I will use Reiki forever because it and many of the other teachings and help that comes with it is the natural way to good health....
Her book "Pathways To Wholeness" is a must read for everyone. You can experience an excerpt from her book on their website. You can read the Foreward...which Is quite a testament, and the "Table Of Contents" Try it out and see how much you can experience and learn from just an excerpt....truly amazing!
Here is the link to her website to check out her book:
You can find lots of good tips and products and information at my website as well
Visit these websites and learn....good healthy information to live a healthier life.
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