Ah yes....just when you are not looking for it...there it is....We were just driving around Bokeelia....getting the hang of Pine Island....going up and down almost every road we found (and some of those roads!!).....Anyway....then we happened across a Marina at the 'End' of the road.

It is called "The Coast Connection"...and perfect it was for us at that particular point in time....It was pouring the rain to just drizzling...and there were boats coming in and out and there was this one man 'rowing' his boat out...You gotta give that man some credit now!!....The sign said The "Fiddler and I" music 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday and 6 to 8:30 on Monday (I think)...anyway I believe her name is Becky and his name is Pat and they are "The fiddler and I". He played a guitar and a mandolin and a fiddle (of course one at a time) and sang while she played the guitar and sang... and I loved their songs.

While I am not the only one because there were several other people there as well (making the small but marina-like room seem full as there were not many other chairs left in which to sit) and they were singing along and clapping their hands and drinking beverages and all just seemed to be having fun. Even though I am quite sure that not any one knew the t'other...and it was quite an enjoyable bunch of people having fun together....I like that....You could clog to their music and the Fiddler played some Irish songs (of course I assumed the Irish ones were all for me as they made me dance around) and others began to dance and even more people came in and simply stood....or danced....but all enjoyed.

You can go see these people and have fun with them as well...and do not forget to tip them for their work well done.
Becky said they drove in from St James City, which is of course the other end of Pine Island, and that they were building a boat. A 42 Foot Catamaran of the same kind that they already had a 32 foot of......I guess they were in need of more room on a boat...I do not know their plans or their intended travel course but I will post their information at the end of this post so that you too can find out their whereabouts.....
They are just real people doing real things.....like building a boat and playing music....real tropical things...perfectly normal stuff in my world.....however my world can seem sooooooo abstract to some people...Life is what you make it....I remember working in the lab all day and going out and driving to a place like "Moriarty's Pub" and playing music for 4 hours (after loading my equipment in to set it up and putting it back in the truck when I was done)....then getting up and going to the lab to work again the next morning.....

I am very blessed to have lived in both worlds, the world of a musician and the world of not being a musician, especially when I was working as a scientist in a molecular epidemiology lab in infectious diseases....I would not mind doing some of that here but research is done up north where it snows and as you know if you are living down here in the tropics.....that is a four-letter word down here (snow)......it is something that is just not done anymore amongst us "Tropicans" .......see how much fun it is being a "wordsmith".

Oh Yeah....Just had to show you the man rowing his boat out to his other boat....Too cool....That man is workin' hard in this rain....
Well for now I am off....I have a piano to get to...it calls me sometimes and says "I miss you...where are you that you do not have time to sit with me and exchange feelings....?"
....As it happens I have to now find where I put their card so that I can post their info....but I will get it on here as soon as I find it....Thank you for having patience with my forgetfullness....
Yet now I found the info.....
Coast Connection Family Boating Center...Live Bait, Ice & Drinks, Boat Ramp, Kayak Rentals, Sailing, Fun Games & Entertainment.
Welcome to Coast Conection LLC,
Pine Island Florida
located at Knight's Landing
16499 Porto Bello
Bokeelia, FL
Owner (Scott Player )
Aah Ha...Hence the sign "Players Place"
....And they have Falling Tide Charters w/Capt. Cory McGuire...and also Saltyboy Charters w/Capt. Scotty Darna as well as others you can find there.
Now for "The Fiddler and I" info I promised you:
PO Box 129
St James City, FL 33956
Old Time Irish, Bluegrass, Cajun, Blues, etc.
But . . . did you have a moment to try the food there? Truly a scientific phenomenon of semi-religious nature!!!
ReplyDeleteand of course you're right . . . it's like Key West 30 years ago . . . Disney could never pull it off!
ReplyDeleteNo did not have a chance this time..but we will probably happen in again.. but I have just found the cards from when we were there so i have more to post..thanks for posting and keep in touch.