There is nothing like the peace of the water...it is even good for your blood pressure in helping it maintain a proper level . All you have to do is watch water...even an aquarium...will do.
When I was in cities, all i wanted to do was get to a campground to be with some dirt. I cannot stand the cement...It is everywhere, and I cannot seem to find something organic in cities...except maybe the people...and there are some that are truly not real...if you get my drift...and some of them have so much daily pain that it is understandable why they crack under the pressure.....I met a woman in the elevator in Manhatten one day....the next day she had a bandage over her eye...she had lost her eye but it was just another day to her....too much for me to live like that.
Being in the city sooooo long, is not good for the health of such an organic being. I remember camping in Michigan when I lived in East Lansing and was attending Michigan State University. Even thought the campus was dirt, it was soooo cold and the dirt was underneath snowy, frozen dirt, they use malathion on the campus grounds even though it is illegal....Could not hardly smell the dirt beneath(way beneath) my feet. I love the smell of dirt. There are some who understand that statement because they have smelled it too, and remember it, and enjoy it.
Water is the same. It has it's own smell and allure as dirt. You get close to salt water and you know that you are close to salt water. Sometimes you simply want to get into the saltwater and soak up all its revitalizing electrolytes. As a matter of fact, my doctors told me to go get into the ocean when I was undergoing Radiation Treatments so I could heal more quickly. They told me it would be very good for me. And it was....
Now I believe that if we do not appreciate something...it will be taken away from us....
I mean why do we need it anyway if we are not using it?
A global appreciation day would be a nice change....for a holiday....so people could be thankful for what they do have....whatever it may be.
Photography by Mila Bridger Photography
Photography by Mila Bridger Photography
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